Sunday 15 November 2009

So, work all finished, I can start writing about the reasoning behind this blog.
I've had blogs before, shit little things where I'd stick my photographs and ended up being something this will probably turn into. I just thought it would be really quite funny if I made a blog documenting all the funny/scary/bad stuff that happens in my first year at university. Fair enough, I've missed about 9 weeks of incredibly document-worthy stuff that really ought to have been written about but there's no time like the present.
I'll try and sum it up... I moved in to a Studio apartment about 100 meters from where people get murdered on an all-too-frequent basis from a four bedroom magical paradise in the middle of a forest. By 'Studio apartment' I mean tiny little room that I usually refer to as my 'house' (wishful thinking) or 'my cave' which is probably the most fitting name for it.
So over the past 3 months I have turned 18, celebrated my two year anniversary with my darling boyfriend whom I cherish above the majority of people I know minus family/best friends (with whom he is on a par), moved to London from a happy household in the countryside, started university, cried approximately 100 times, laughed approximately ten times that, written two essays, contracted swine flu and became paralyzed and locked in quarantine for a week, been to a&e once (i was sleeping the second time which was only a few days ago, I'll fill you in later), met some really wicked people, been out quite a few times, vomited zero times, taken zero drugs, read the entire Harry Potter series, spent a lot of time asleep, got a job, been home three times (once for a week), been to see Green Day at the O2 arena, and saw The Dead Weather and Billy Talent at Brixton Academy, that's about it I suppose. Call me boring, I am NOT ASHAMED!
You should probably know some things about me, whether you know me in person or not at all:
- I don't do drugs
- I don't smoke
- I pretty much love everything that isn't real but that really really should be!
- Nobody at my university likes Harry Potter or Twilight and it really upsets me
- I am really small so if I ever write about growing it is a very big deal for me
- I love all my friends and family
- Over the past two years I've changed A LOT so if you knew me then you probably don't know me now.
- I like who I've become, especially cause I've worked really bloody hard for it. It was an achievement worth working for :)

I might write about that hospital thing later, I'm going to eat a bowl of Weetos now!

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