Monday 28 December 2009

Sometimes finding out things can make you want to vomit.

Saturday 19 December 2009

merry christmas everyone
love from Sarah (and Minnie)

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Slept for a good 12 hours last night! Hurrah!

Saturday 12 December 2009

I'm home for the WHOLE OF CHRISTMAS!
I forgot how big my bed is.
Last night we put up our christmas tree, it was amazing :D

Tonight I'm going to the Topshop christmas party, it'll be nice to see some old faces again.

Sunday 6 December 2009

Work, uni, work, uni, chill, uni, essay, essay, uni, too much to do.
Matt trod on a nail and it went through his foot.
Went to see Harry Brown last night, it was amazing. Scares me shitless that that is London and that is where I live. Fuck.
Nothing else to report.
Can't fucking wait until Wednesday.
Wednesday comes and everything will fall into place.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Too busy to blog right now.

Friday 27 November 2009

I'm going to eat a week's worth of food this weekend and it is going to be freakin fantastic!
Nom nom nom nom nom nom

Thursday 26 November 2009

Call of the search I'm coming home.
When you're paying as much rent as I am you'd think that the fucking shower head wouldn't need changing every three fucking months!
Clearly, I'm furious because I've just had a shower in a shower that made the water go sideways instead of down. It was hideous. I had to jump to make it go on my head.
So, Paranormal Activity. Trying not to give too much away of course.
Have you ever seen a film that shocked you so much that you had to sit for minutes after the film stopped to just take in what you just saw? To just consider the fact that what just happened might not have just happened?
If you enjoy being scared completely shitless, then I would recommend it. It was probably one of the most amazing films I've ever seen. A complete success in the horror/thriller genre. There were times when my heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest and it had me screaming at the top of my lungs. All four of us were terrified.
What makes it worse is that I studied Shocking Cinema for a while and it was completely worse than anything I saw then. It's just so realistic. I bet a lot of the audience will be able to relate.

Of course, sleeping last night was a bit of a mission. I didn't have nightmares but there were replays of the film in my dreams which lead me to wake up A LOT. Must have only had a couple of hours. Most of the night was spent reading and watching Friends on video.

I'm so happy that this time in 9 hours I'll be back home. Tonight I'll sleep better, I'm sure of it.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

I just watched Adventureland which really didn't help my extreme infatuation with Kirsten Stewart. It's a good film though, pretty realistic in some ways.
Yesterday I went to work and had the most traumatic, stressful journey there. Let's just say after a £20 penalty fare, a severe panic attack, hysterics, a lot of crying and a reassuring phone call, I managed to arrive at Harvey Nichols [almost] in one piece.
Work was chilled, hung around a bit, drunk a lot of Mulled Wine and ate loads of those little tiny mince pies, it was lovely.
Got home hella late though, and of course I couldn't sleep. Must have drifted off at about 4 or something cause Sophie rang me at 9 asking where the hell I was - obviously I'd slept through my 8:30 alarm. 5 rushed minutes later and we were walking to school.
Tonight we're going to see Paranormal Activity (although I'm not entirely sure I'm in the right frame of mind at the minute for that sort of film) but it should be fun. All the blame on nightmares is going straight to Sophie but its cool cause she knows I love her!
Recently developed a fascination with classical music, my Mum's recommended some good pieces, including Albinoni and Chopin. Been listening to a lot of softer music than usual too. Grizzly Bear's new album is pretty impressive. Any suggestions of this sort of stuff is more than welcome, you know how to reach me!
Tomorrow I get to go home and I can't even begin to explain how happy I am about that! Only two weeks till I'm home for a month, too.
I've got to do some washing now, you have no idea how long I've been procrastinating to avoid doing it but I've got no clean clothes left so it must be done even though its so freakin expensive.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Did I really just spend an hour brushing my hair with a comb? Yes I did. I now have a pile of hair on my floor about the size of a cat.

Monday 23 November 2009

by blood and by mean, i fall when you leave.
by blood and by mean, i follow your lead.
I literally feel like I've been staring at a brick wall for years. You know when your eyes are just raw from being open for too long and they start to go brown and purple around the edges, they feel like that. Feeling a colour is always anomalous, particularly the one I'm being consumed by right now. Like swimming I suppose, when you know the floor is ever growing further away from your feet and you're being absorbed by something either very unwelcome or the complete opposite. At the minute I'm feeling further away from home then I've ever felt. I somehow can't get my head around the fact that in no time at all I'll be back there, then back here, then back there, then back here. It's a cycle. Only three more nights, sleepless or otherwise. Only time will tell.

The other night I had a really weird dream. I never ever have cryptic dreams or anything of the sort, they're always fairly simple and ordinary, with the same reoccurring faces - if plural is necessary. In the dream, I was walking up a mountain. Around a mountain I should say, there was no climbing involved, I was just strolling around a path that was carved around the edge of a mountain, spiraling upwards. Everything was washed in white, the light was white, the ground was white. Ever woken up feeling very very aware that you're alone? It's an awful feeling.
My blood feels cold. I'm tired.

Sunday 22 November 2009

When I'm alone and listening to music, I often find myself picturing the situation as if I were being filmed. It's strange. I imagine the song to be non-diegetic and I imagine the camera angles and the story behind it. Why am I here? Where am I going? Who am I? Why is the song playing? What is that man thinking? What is that girl listening to? Why is she sad? It's fucking weird. It's even worse that I kind of, feel how my character feels, like it isn't me, just a nameless faceless face. If the song is a sad song it is reflective. It can't be good that I refer to parts of myself as characters, right?
Who knows.

Make that three times!
We had such a great weekend, we hung out in Camden a lot and went to see Chirag today. I'm sad to say that I'm alone now though, its weird that she's not come back here too!
On the plus side, my GHD's came today :)

Saturday 21 November 2009

Me and Sava have seen New Moon twice in 24 hours, we're amazing and so is Chris Weitz.

Friday 20 November 2009

Dear lord, this looks absolutely amazing
Tomato soup is so unsatisfying when you're feeling sick from being so hungry. I guess its more satisfying than a carton of Ribena though... Ohhhh I need food. Fuck being a student!

Thursday 19 November 2009

So today I went to work then went to Will's for a gorgeous chill-out session. It involved Ring Of Fire, incence and a lot of talk about hypnosis. We also recorded some videos without original intention and did some rapping... a lot of rapping. We ought to have our own rap band really. I'm fucking exhausted man, can't wait for the morning though (if I wake up before 12 which is unlikely), as I am going to tidy and clean my room once and for all and then go to Greenwich Market with Sophie and Sylvie and then go to meet Sava and Liverpool Street and then go and see NEW MOON which I am actually dying of excitement about. Fuck man, sleep is necessary now. Lesson number 3: Reflect.
I just bought this badboi:
And this extra tasty sleeping bag!

Sava and Jon's stays in the Moore Mansion are certainly going to be cushty. Now to find some pillows...

Last night I worked for the shittest company ever. A man shouted at me for no reason, he looked like a fatter version of that bloke from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, you know, Judge Doom. Especially when his eyes pop out at the end. Scary as fuck. On the plus side, I didn't spill anything or break anything.
It sucks that I've gotta do the same thing for the same company at a different venue tonight. Just 10 more hours and I'll be freeeee!
I can't wait to see Sava and New Moon tomorrow :D

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Thank God for soup, that's all I have in my house these days.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Cross Eyes from Sarah Moore on Vimeo.

I definitely just emailed GHD about the 'discounted' stylers they offered me in January. I might actually buy some!

Monday 16 November 2009

Today I went from uni straight to work straight to Belushis where I consumed some delicious £1 drinks and met a Canadian man who I spoke to about Billy Talent for a long long time. He was cool. I am so tired I might fall asleep on the keyboard and write something like lfghldkfghlkdfjghldfkgjh by accident.
It is about 2 in the morning and definitely sleepytime now.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Basically one of my best friends OD'd on Ketamine and LSD, I called an ambulance and had her picked up. My friends went with her even after she'd told them all she wanted them to die and after she'd lashed out at them and herself. She completely fucking lost it, she was terrifying when I saw her. I don't think she even knows how fucked up she made everyone.
She came out of hospital the next day and told one of my friends that she had an amazing night and she didn't regret it. If she'd seen what I'd seen, if she knew how upset she'd made her friends then she'd realize, at least I hope she would. Isn't it a shame when people value drugs over friendship?
To be brutally honest, I think that it is pathetic. I know myself well enough to know that I don't need stuff like that to have fun, or lose myself - whichever her purpose was. Its really fucking hard to know what to do when your friend has done that, was it the right decision to call an ambulance? Who knows. I'm torn. Should I have just left her, and let her get what was coming to her? Would it have hit her harder to wake up in her room or in a hospital bed? I'm just glad that I didn't go with the rest of my friends to the hospital. From what they've told me it was fucking horrific. What makes it worse is that she's not even sorry. She doesn't care that she's hurt her friends, she doesn't appreciate that we could have potentially saved her life. It wasn't like a normal drug binge, it was a fucking deathwish. I hope she's ashamed of herself. She should be.
There's lesson number two: Don't do drugs.
So, work all finished, I can start writing about the reasoning behind this blog.
I've had blogs before, shit little things where I'd stick my photographs and ended up being something this will probably turn into. I just thought it would be really quite funny if I made a blog documenting all the funny/scary/bad stuff that happens in my first year at university. Fair enough, I've missed about 9 weeks of incredibly document-worthy stuff that really ought to have been written about but there's no time like the present.
I'll try and sum it up... I moved in to a Studio apartment about 100 meters from where people get murdered on an all-too-frequent basis from a four bedroom magical paradise in the middle of a forest. By 'Studio apartment' I mean tiny little room that I usually refer to as my 'house' (wishful thinking) or 'my cave' which is probably the most fitting name for it.
So over the past 3 months I have turned 18, celebrated my two year anniversary with my darling boyfriend whom I cherish above the majority of people I know minus family/best friends (with whom he is on a par), moved to London from a happy household in the countryside, started university, cried approximately 100 times, laughed approximately ten times that, written two essays, contracted swine flu and became paralyzed and locked in quarantine for a week, been to a&e once (i was sleeping the second time which was only a few days ago, I'll fill you in later), met some really wicked people, been out quite a few times, vomited zero times, taken zero drugs, read the entire Harry Potter series, spent a lot of time asleep, got a job, been home three times (once for a week), been to see Green Day at the O2 arena, and saw The Dead Weather and Billy Talent at Brixton Academy, that's about it I suppose. Call me boring, I am NOT ASHAMED!
You should probably know some things about me, whether you know me in person or not at all:
- I don't do drugs
- I don't smoke
- I pretty much love everything that isn't real but that really really should be!
- Nobody at my university likes Harry Potter or Twilight and it really upsets me
- I am really small so if I ever write about growing it is a very big deal for me
- I love all my friends and family
- Over the past two years I've changed A LOT so if you knew me then you probably don't know me now.
- I like who I've become, especially cause I've worked really bloody hard for it. It was an achievement worth working for :)

I might write about that hospital thing later, I'm going to eat a bowl of Weetos now!
I have just had the hardest time in the world setting up this blog due to really stupid Kaptcha things, it must have taken me about ten minutes to fill one out correctly.
At the minute I really need to do a piece of work but I'm sure I'll find time to continue this afterwards.
That's lesson number one: Prioritize.